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What is Bee Habitable?


As you may have heard, bees are suffering population decline.
However, we are not talking about Honeybees, we are discussing Native Bees in your area. There are many reasons why native bees are suffering population decline worldwide.
The 3 main factors are Habitat loss, Disease, and Excessive use of pesticide on crops. Bee Habitable is a Program to help mitigate these factors.
Our priority is to first educate People, Gardeners, and Farmers alike to truly understand how bees are in decline. Second, we provide resources and products to help reestablish bee habitats.
And third, encourage people to understand the value of native bee diversity, this includes providing live selected species to acquire if needed.
Helping Native bees is not as difficult as you may think, if you are willing to learn new things and give up old practices, you can succeed in giving back to our bees, just as our bees have given to us.

An Introduction to Bee Habitable

Special Services and Products

Native Bee Pollination

Total Pollination Services for Farmers and Gardeners

If you are a farmer or gardener looking to get better yields; we are developing a program that can help you do that with our native bees, not honeybees. To learn more, please click the button below.


Bumble Bee Nest Removal

Free Relocation of Bumble Bee Nests

This free service is currently funded solely by donations. So please consider donating. We gently extract the nest and relocate it onto one of our sanctuaries. They are used for science in future developments of conservation and eco-friendly farming. Click the button below to learn more.


Wild Flower Pollinator Mix

Wildflower Mix for Pollinators


Contains small amounts of slow-release organic fertilizers to help the flowers bloom strong, and a mulch to keep the geminating seeds moist along with some Mycorrhizae and Ectomycorrhizae. The reason for so much seed types is for diversity and to increase the chances you will get something to bloom despite soil type and human error.

43 Potential Blooms

Tall Blue Corn Flower-Blue Flax-Siberian Wall Flower-Annual Candytuft-Blanket Flower-Perennial Lupine-Sulpher ‘Bright Lights’ Cosmos-Orange California, Poppy-Crimson Clover-Beauty Pacific Calendula-Annual Baby’s Breath-Blanket Indian-Corn Mixed Poppy-Prairie Cone Flower-Love Lies Bleeding-Plain Coreopsis-Tall Mixed Centaurea-Nasturium’ Jewel Mix-Bigleaf-Lupine-Lanced Leaved Coreopsis-Tall Spurred ‘Northern Lights’ Snapdragon-Five Spot Globe Gilia-Black Eyed Susan-Clarkia-Flax Scarlet-Tall white Sweet Alyssum-Pheasant’s Eye-Pot Marigold-Chinese Houses-Dwarf Morning Glory-Larkspur-Silene-Caliopsis-Sensation Cosmos-Annual Forget Me Not-Lavatera-Baby Snapdragon-Virgina Stock-Baby Blue Eyes-Flander Poppy-Annual Snapwort.


Solitary Bee Homes

Made From Re-purposed Wood

What are Solitary Bees?

They are little bees that are not noticed very much. Each bee lives completely on their own with no colony.


These homes are designed to accommodate many species of solitary bee. No need to buy bees! They will just show up. The mother bee will fill the holes in the wood with mud, grass, sawdust, sap or anything the species likes. The babies are kept in the holes secured by the fillings from the mother.


Local Honeybees

Local Honeybees from Snohomish, County

These Honeybees are Collected from swarms, they are not bread. The are available in a nuc or established in a hive box. Call to be put on our purchase order list.


Honeybee Swarm Removal

Collection of Honeybees swarming

Honeybees swarm in spring and sometimes in summer. A ball of bees may suddenly appear on your home or tree. I snag the queen, and they follow her into the nuc I provide them. This service is free of charge.


Bumble Bee links

These links take you too external sights not monitored by Wasp Away. They are information on Bumble Bees from other sources to give you a greater depth of understanding.

Native Bee Links

These links take you too external sights not monitored by Wasp Away. They are information on Solitary Bees from other sources to give you a greater depth of understanding.

Other References:

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